Ohio Reveals First List For Approved Sports Wagering Menu

Written By Jake Garza on November 16, 2022 - Last Updated on December 20, 2022
Ohio reveals every sport you'll be able to bet on in the state

We finally know what sports Ohio residents will be able to bet on next year. The Ohio Casino Control Commission just released the first batch of approved sports for betting in the state.

Sports betting in Ohio will be up and running on Jan. 1, 2023. With the launch date right around the corner, bettors can finally start looking at everything they’ll be able to bet on soon at the Ohio sports wagering menu.

What sports can you bet on in Ohio?

Ohio bettors will have plenty of options to pick from in January. Many of these are the typical sports you’d expect to find in a legal sports betting state.

Here’s a quick look at a few of the highlights:

  • NBA and college basketball
  • NFL and college football
  • MLB and college baseball
  • NHL and college hockey
  • All major European soccer leagues
  • Summer and Winter Olympic Games
  • PGA Tour events
  • Tennis Grand Slam Tournaments

The options for the major sports leagues include all of the important details. For example, in addition to betting on NFL games, the NFL Draft and NFL awards like the MVP are also on the table.

This is the first batch of approved sports, but things are hardly set in stone. The OCCC will likely approve plenty of other betting options in the future.

Sportsbooks in the state will be able to submit requests to add to the list. The OCCC will review the requests and approve new events so long as they meet their list of requirements.

That will be important as the sports cycle goes through its regular motions.

List of options will change over time

Ohio’s list of approved sports betting events isn’t particularly adventurous, but bettors have all of the major options they could ask for.

The commission made a point to mention during its Nov. 16 meeting that it did not want to approve betting on any events that are predetermined. At least, not without putting requests for those events through an extra rigorous review compared to more “normal” betting options like football or basketball.

That takes betting on things like the Oscars off the table for this initial list since the Academy picks the winners in advance and announces them at the show.

Other states, like neighboring Indiana, have been much more open to the wacky side of sports betting.

The Hoosier State not only allows betting on the Academy Awards, but also other oddball options like Nathan’s Hotdog Eating Contest and celebrity boxing. Even a Halloween candy eating contest was available for gambling a few years ago.

It just goes to show that, much like Indiana, Ohio’s list of betting options will evolve over time.

Bettors in the state will have all of the important sports betting options like the NFL and NBA available from the start of legal sports betting on Jan. 1. Extra options are the cherry on top, and Ohio will likely add them in the future once the industry gets up and running.

Photo by playohio.com
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Written by
Jake Garza

Jake Garza is a US Gambling Industry Analyst for Catena Media. He specializes in Midwest sports betting and casino content. Prior to covering the legal gambling industry, he spent time as a professional sports writer, reporting on teams such as the Cincinnati Bengals, Indianapolis Colts and Indiana Pacers. Garza is currently working as a Managing Editor for PlayIndiana and PlayOhio, with previous stops at other well-known brands such as PlayIllinois and PlayMichigan. He has been covering the gambling industry since 2019, and currently works with a team of other journalists to provide comprehensive coverage of the legal U.S. gambling industry.

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